Human Factors and Cybersecurity Research at LUMS
Ask this from the person who has private stuff”: Privacy Perceptions, Behaviours and Beliefs Beyond W.E.I.R.D
We explore privacy perceptions, beliefs, and practices of low-literate, low-income users in Pakistan, a patriarchal and religious context with a literacy rate of approx. 68% and where 59% of mobile…
Lures for Money: A First Look into YouTube Videos Promoting Money-Making Apps
YouTube hosts a wide variety of user-generated videos accessible to a global population of users. The potential of videos to persuade users by engaging them with the experience of the…
Bringing the Kid back into YouTube Kids: Detecting Inappropriate Content on Video Streaming Platforms
With the advent of child-centric content-sharing platforms, such as YouTube Kids, thousands of children, from all age groups are consuming gigabytes of content on a daily basis. With PBS Kids,…
Designing Parental Monitoring and Control Technology: A Systematic Review
An increasing number of children around the world are spending a significant amount of time online today. Unfiltered access to the Internet exposes them to potential harms, which can have…
CanaryTrap: Detecting Data Misuse by Third-Party Apps on Online Social Networks
Online social networks support a vibrant ecosystem of third-party apps that get access to the personal information of a large number of users. Despite several recent high-profile incidents, methods to…
Deepfake Text Detection: Limitations and Opportunities
Author: Zain Sarwar (former UG student and Research Assistant at SIA LUMS, currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago) Recent advances in deep learning have enabled language models…
A Bestiary of Blocking: The Motivations and Modes behind Website Unavailability
This paper examines different reasons for web inaccessibility. Prior work on accessibility mostly focuses on censorship by nation-states. We look at three forms of server-side blocking: blocking visitors from the…
Scanning the Internet for Liveness
Internet-wide scanning depends on a notion of liveness: does a target IP address respond to a probe packet? However, the interpretation of such responses, or lack of them, is nuanced…
3: Deepfake detection
Deepfake Text Detection: Limitations and Opportunities
Author: Zain Sarwar (former UG student and Research Assistant at SIA LUMS, currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago) Recent advances in deep learning have enabled language models…
Deepfake Videos in the Wild: Analysis and Detection
AI-manipulated videos, commonly known as deepfakes, are an emerging problem. Recently, researchers in academia and industry have contributed several (self-created) benchmark deepfake datasets, and deepfake detection algorithms. However, little effort…